My Chämpo hair story | Vata No. 1

My Chämpo hair story | Vata No. 1

My Chämpo hair story | Vata No. 1

We took great time and pride in crafting our six formulas; revealing them hopeful that you would agree they proffered something unique, superior and most worthwhile. Your response has far exceeded expectations.

Hair Masterclass

Via our website, social media pages and at our pop-up store, we’ve buoyantly read and heard your hair stories and the difference our blends have made… we thought it was time we shared some of them.

Caroline is a Vata.

From the moment I started noticing my hair in my early teens, I realised it would never ever behave as I would like it to. Naturally curly, dry, prone to frizz and woeful in humidity, I consequently persecuted it into submission – washing, drying and straightening it every day to try and make it look ‘perfect’ (not to mention the bleached highlights).

Throughout later teens and my 20s, I tried hair masks and intense conditioners to deal with the dryness and damage, plus added heat protection sprays and finishing serums to my routine. But I wouldn’t give up the straighteners and my hair’s condition never improved.

At the start of my 30s, a magazine I read sampled a newly launched natural haircare line from a British beauty brand. Simply ditching SLS and silicones improved my hair’s condition, though I still needed to straighten it to really get the control and smoothness I was looking for.

Fast-forwards over eight years to the beginning of 2019 and a friend introduced me to Chämpo. Having been staunchly loyal to my previous brand, I was admittedly sceptical – after all, nothing else natural on the market had measured up to it. Until now.

Without wanting to sound dramatic, discovering Chämpo was a revelation. The lather is amazing – creamy and gentle; the conditioner light yet nourishing; the smell divine. I decided not to use a serum and just blow-dried my hair to see what happened. There was no contest. From that day, I’ve never used another brand.

Pound for pound compared to my previous brand, there’s just over £1 difference in price for the shampoo and £3 for the conditioner. That’s nothing when you consider the results. Plus I know I’m getting far better value from Chämpo in several other ways…

Over the last 9+ months, I’ve gone from washing my hair every day to every 3-4 days. I never need to shampoo my hair twice and use far less conditioner. I also no longer use any of the styling products I did before (I simply use a little Vata conditioner before or after blow drying if needs be), so my hair remains clean and grease-free much longer. The straighteners rarely make an appearance as my hair blow-dries so well. It’s softer, smoother, shinier, better behaved and has just the right amount of body and fullness. I couldn’t be a more satisfied customer.

In terms of everyday life, it feels a little ridiculous to say that switching to Chämpo has made life markedly easier. I run my own business and have two young children – my days start early and end late; juggling client meetings, project deadlines, school and nursery runs, dog walks, sporting fixtures, homework and play dates. My daily alarm used to be set very early, giving me time to wash, dry, straighten and style my hair. Now a swift shower suffices, blow-drying is quicker – I can be up and out in a fraction of the time (yet confident my hair looks good).

I recall attending an old workplace reunion a few months after starting to use Chämpo. From the moment I arrived, friends I hadn’t seen for six months complimented me on my hair – most noticeably its shine. That’s when I realised it wasn’t only me seeing the marked improvement to my hair simply from using Chämpo.

Finally, after 26 years of hair battles, being a Vata is no longer so vexing. I wholly intend to keep up the good work.

Motivated for more? Read further hair stories here or explore our Vata hydrating system.

Buy now for £38.50

© 2019, all rights reserved.

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